The Use of Lifting Hoists in the Entertainment Industry

We commonly associate lifting equipment and lifting hoists with industrial or construction purposes, but this isn’t their only function. Some are used for smaller tasks, such as lifting engines out of cars or for assistance with cleaning chandeliers. Another area that you may not first associate with lifting hoists is the entertainment industry. Want to find out more about this sector and how our lifting equipment plays a role? Read on below!

There are many types of entertainment

More information on the entertainment industry

The entertainment industry covers a wide ranging number of areas that are used for entertaining. We’ll commonly think of films and TV, but it also includes:

  • Exhibitions
  • Theme parks
  • Sports arenas
  • Circuses
  • Comedy clubs
  • Music arenas
  • Events

When it encompasses so many different types of entertainment, it isn’t surprising to learn that in 2016 the global entertainment and media market was valued at $1.8 trillion. This valuation is set to rise to roughly $2.2 trillion by 2021, and has risen from $1.39 in 2011, so you can see a clear upward growth for the sector.

Of course, this industry involves thousands of different moving parts and pieces, but each helps make the desired entertainment possible. Lifting hoists are just one of these pieces.

How lifting hoists are used

There are a number of ways that you’ll see hoists being used within this industry. At the very beginning of the process, they’ll be used to help construct the stage, set, arena, or building that will be used to entertain.

After this, they can be used during the show in many ways. Perhaps they are used to lift or suspend cameras or lighting. Maybe they are used for rigging purposes, or for lifting parts of the stages or sets during a show. They may even be used to lift and suspend actors themselves!

Our Stagemaker hoist has become a popular hoist for the entertainment industry. There is a huge emphasis on safety within this sector, and complete with an array of innovative components, such as a limit flux, safety remains a priority.

entertainment industry

Hoists help to get lighting in place

There are also a number of accessories that can be used with a hoist such as this in order to further increase the capabilities that are offered to those looking to entertain. You can add:

  • Controller packs, which can be easily remote controlled from a distance
  • Load cells, which can give you an accurate reading for the weight of a load, and offer continuous monitoring too
  • Flight cases and rubber carrying belts

They are also designed to work well in what may be more extreme temperatures, as well as to be ergonomically friendly. By being created as an aesthetically pleasing piece of equipment, they’ll blend naturally into any environment that they are installed in.

Where else will you find this equipment being used?

We hope that this article has helped detail just some of the ways that you may find lifting hoists being used for entertainment purposes. Are you interested to find out more about where else hoists are used? For example:

You can find all of the information that you need detailed in our extensive article Applications and Uses for Lifting Hoists, so please have a read! If you have questions that you can’t find an answer to there or here, feel free to contact us here.


Image credits: Tookapic and Thibault Trillet
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