Using Lifting Hoists to Lift Engines

We recently put together a large article, titled Applications and Uses for Lifting Hoists, to demonstrate just how varied a use this equipment has. While the majority of this article focused on more general uses in larger industries, such as the construction, mining and warehousing sectors, we also examined very specific and more niche uses too.

For example, how lifting hoists are used in order to lift and lower chandeliers for cleaning. Another more specific use for this handy piece of equipment is how it is used to work with engines; delicate items of machinery that need to be handled with care. Want to find out more about this application? Read on below.

Where you’ll find engines being used

Before examining how lifting hoists are utilised with engines, we thought that we’d take a quick look at where you will most likely find engines being used. Perhaps the most obvious used is within the automotive sector, where they are used to power cars, trucks, lorries, vans and all other manner of automobiles.

Engines are delicate pieces of machinery

But, the term engine encompasses a wide range of mechanical objects, including electrical motors, heat engines, physically powered motors and chemically powered motors. For this reason, it’s not just automobiles that you’ll see them being used in, but on other production lines too, such as for the manufacturing of aircraft.

And, alongside this, you can expect to find them powering conveyor belts, trains and even whole power stations. Given that some provide electricity, while others use fuel, it’s not uncommon to find some form of engine powering many of today’s items.

How lifting equipment helps

So, you’ll find them at various stages of processes. They’ll need to be transported to construction sites at the beginning of the building process in order to provide power to the worker’s lights and tools. They’ll be permanent fixtures in places like power plants, providing ongoing support. They’ll also need to be worked with should a car or aircraft breakdown. For this, the engine may need to be lifted out of the vehicle itself.

lift engines

You’ll often see this equipment being used in car garages to lift engines

Engines come in a range of sizes, but regardless of how big or small they are, they’re still incredibly delicate pieces of machinery. Anyone working with engines needs to be able to rely on the equipment they are using, and this is why lifting hoists are one of the go to items for this process.

One of the most common uses for lifting hoists with engines is when they are used in conjunction with floor cranes in small workshops to lift engines out of cars. Not only does this take any strain off of the worker needing to lift engines, but it also means that it can be safely pulled out of the car and operated on at all angles.

If you are looking for more specific information on how lifting hoists work with engines, then this useful blog piece tells you more about the best options available.

Looking for more information on the applications and uses of lifting hoists?

From smaller uses such as to lift engines as above to larger scale uses such as manufacturing ships in the shipping industry or operating power plants and oil refineries, it’s clear that lifting hoists are a crucial piece of equipment.

We have a wide range of products suitable for many different industries. From equipment that can be used deep undersea to those suited more for explosive environments, we’re confident that we can help your industry. For more information, please get in contact with us here.



Image credits: Mike and Fancycrave
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