Privacy Policy – LiftingHoists Direct

Lifting Hoists Direct – Privacy Policy

The Lifting Hoists Direct website is a specialist provider of  hoisting equipment and accessories. We understand that any visitors who use our site, create an account with us, enter their personal information or make payments to us will want to know that this information remains secure and private. Therefore, our privacy policy can guarantee both your security and your privacy with any activities you undertake with us.

Customer privacy is extremely important to us, and we ensure that all visitors of our site not only have their information remain private, but that they feel secure at the same time. We have put this privacy policy together to provide information and guidance on what data we collect at LiftingHoists Direct, and why we keep this data. Please take time to read through each section of our privacy policy, and once you understand what has been laid out continue to shop with us with ease.

It is assumed by Lifting Hoists Direct that anyone who visits our website, gets information from us or purchases with us has both read and understood the privacy policy fully. Should you have any questions about the privacy policy, please contact us

.privacy policy

Please be sure to read our privacy policy before continuing to use our website

Data that We collects from you

The majority of websites that are on the internet collect data about you and your browsing habits when you visit the site. This remains the same for the Lifting Hoists Direct website. This information includes I.P addresses which tell us where you are shopping from. With this information, we can personalise your customer experience to you; for example, by displaying information in the appropriate language.

We will be able to identify you  anonymously via your I.P address. Also, as with the majority of other websites, We may gather information from you via the use of cookies which, again, will improve your user experience. Please take time to read the section below for further details on what cookies are and how they work.

Lifting Hoists Direct use of cookies

Cookies are, more often than not, small files which are downloaded and then saved into whichever browser it is that you search the internet from. The cookies that are collected act as saved information on each user and this information will be fed back to the Lifting Hoists Direct website each time you visit to help provide a more personalised experience. Cookies can help us understand things such as user behaviour, for example how you use our website, which in turn allows us to provide you a tailored experience, as well as give us recommendations for future updates and improvements.

There are two types of cookies:

Session cookies

Session cookies only last for as long as a single session on the LiftingHoists Direct website, and once you leave the site the session cookie will disappear.

Persistent cookies

These cookies, on the other hand, are the type of cookie that is saved as an electronic file within your browser and, therefore, your computer permanently. Persistent cookies will be the ones that are fed back to the Lifting Hoists Direct website, allowing us to personalise your user experience.

Don’t want cookies?

If you are unhappy or dissatisfied with the use of cookies, you can block them by amending your browser settings. You will need to do this for each browser that you use. While blocking cookies will not affect the fundamental experiences of using our website, you may find that certain functions have been restricted, and you will not be delivered as tailored an experience.

Data guarantees: what Lifting Hoists Direct will not do with your user data

Lifting Hoists Direct will not sell your data, and all information will be safely secured within our website until it is no longer necessary to keep it. Any data that we do dispose of will be done so under the Data Protection Act, 1988. If we believe there may be situations that it would be beneficial to you to pass your data on to a third party, we will seek prior approval from you.

Third party links

We will, at times, use links to other websites. This is done to give our visitors access to similar content and services around the web, and is in no way the form of an endorsement or affiliate link unless directly stated otherwise. We have no control over what is displayed on these websites.

Policy changes

We reserve the right to make changes to our privacy policy at any time. We recommend regular visits to our privacy policy to view any changes.


Image Credit: Smartpik

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