Seven Deadly Sins to Avoid with Hoisting Devices

Although lifting hoists make up just a small part of the huge lifting gear and lifting equipment industry, hoisting devices in themselves are a huge and broad category, involving multiple items and pieces of equipment.

Hoisting Devices- Sins to Avoid

The range of functions and applications that they have means that it can be easy to make a mistake when working with hoisting devices. Below we’ve laid out a slightly humorous twist on hoists, examining the seven deadly sins to avoid when using this type of lifting equipment.


As human beings, we have a natural tendency to lust after better things, bigger things and shinier things. Most of the hoists that we stock are simple, uncomplicated and easy-to-use pieces of equipment. You don’t need grand pieces of lifting equipment or Swiss Army Knife-esque lifting hoists. Don’t be lustful and tempted in by salesmen who talk a good game; lifting hoists are kept simple for a reason!


As human beings, we also have a natural tendency to be lazy. If we can have our work completed by someone or something else, then we generally like to put our feet up, whack the kettle on and leave it at that. hoisting devices Don’t be a sloth when it comes to lifting hoists! While we do stock electrically and pneumatically powered hoists, we also have manual hoists to which, yes, you’ll have to operate yourself! Don’t take the easy route just because; carefully assess why you need a hoist and which will be best for your situation or application.


Also tied in with laziness is another human tendency to be reactive rather than proactive. The old saying goes “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”, but lifting equipment will wear and tear overtime, and it’s important not to overuse it to the point where it breaks. Accept that you will most likely need to purchase another hoist again in the future, and always carry out regular inspections on your hoist to keep them in a top working order. This has to be done as part of the law, and you can find more information on this under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER) guidelines.


No matter the hoist that you purchase, it will have a lifting limit, known as the safe working load. It’s called the safe working load as this is the safe limit that you can operate at; anything above this and it’s completely unpredictable as to how long your equipment will last. Don’t get greedy when it comes to the lifting weights of your hoist, stick to the guidelines that have been put in place! hoisting devices Don’t get greedy when it comes to the lifting weight of your hoist


Some hoists, particularly those that are manually operated, do sometimes operate at a slow pace. This is hardly surprising considering that they are often carrying heavy loads; a fast speed could result in risky swinging of the load. Have patience with your hoist, and don’t take your wrath out on it! It’s designed to get the job done, and as long as you treat it right, it’ll get you there!


There are hundreds of different types of hoist out on the market, and there will be some that are better than the one you may own. Don’t be envious of other people’s hoists, every business has its own set of aims and goals. As long as your hoist can get the job done, then that’s all that matters.


Your hoists are there for a reason, so use them! Don’t try and complete a task yourself and risk causing injury to yourself; your hoist is capable of lifting a great deal more weight than you are. Suck up your pride, and allow the hoist to make your job, and your life, ten times easier!

Looking for somewhere to repent?

If you’re reading this and you think you may have committed one of the seven deadly sins, fear not, it’s not too late for you! Get in touch with us here and while we can’t repent your sins, we can give you our advice for the best practices of hoisting devices, or help you look for the most suitable piece of equipment for your business.    
Image credit: Pipsimv and pixelia
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